
5-7 MAY 2017  –  Namur  –  Belgium

The Benelux Mathematical Olympiad (BxMO) is a mathematical competition dedicated to high school students from Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. The 2017 edition is taking place in Belgium, at the cultural center Marcel Hicter "La Marlagne" in Wépion-Namur, from 5 to 7 May. The contest is individual and consists of the resolution of four problems whose level is nearly comparable to the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO). An official delegation from each country is composed of ten students and three leaders. Half of the contestants are awarded a bronze, silver, or gold medals, in the ratio 3:2:1. More informations can be found on the general website www.bxmo.org.

Venue: Centre Culturel Marcel Hicter "La Marlagne", Chemin des Marronniers 26, 5100 Wépion-Namur, Belgium - GPS: 50.426360, 4.848500


React and follow us on Twitter:  #BxMO2017.

Pictures of the week-end: Photo album.


Gold medals:Savinien Kreczman
Thomas Chen
Wietze Koops
Silver medals:Erik van Cappellen
Ludo Dekker
Martin Rakovsky
Siebe Verheijen
Marie Peeters
Bronze medals:Matthijs van der Poel
Ward van der Schoot
Nils van de Berg
Rodrigue Haya Enriquez
Indy Van Den Broeck
Daniel Cortild
Maarten Stremler
Honourable mentions: Sam Heyrman
Robbe Pincket
Pierre Foxius
Lea Menasce


Problems of the 9th BxMO (English, French, Dutch)

Official solutions

Awards ceremony

Regulations of the 9th Benelux Mathematical Olympiad

Information for contestants


Friday 5
18h00->18h20Bus transfert from
Namur train station
17h30-18h30Arrival at Wépion - La Marlagne
18h30-19h30 Dinner
19h30-20h00 Accommodation
20h00-...Social Activity
Saturday 6
7h15-7h45 Breakfast
8h00-12h30 Contest
12h40-14h00 Lunch
14h30-17h45 Excursion
17h45-18h30 Social Activity
18h30-19h30 Dinner
19h30-...Social Activity
Sunday 7
8h00-8h45 Breakfast
8h45-9h30 Leaving rooms
9h45-11h00 Lecture*
11h00-12h00 Award Ceremony
12h00-14h00 Drink and Lunch
14h00-15h00 Departure
14h30->15h00Bus transfert to
Namur train station
* The Lecture will be given by Philippe Alphonse, IMO Gold medal 1985 and civil engineer at the Ministry of the Interior (FPS Interior) of Belgium.


BEL 1 Tijs Buggenhout
BEL 2Daniel Cortild
BEL 3Rodrigue Haya Enriquez
BEL 4Sam Heyrman
BEL 5Savinien Kreczman
BEL 6Simon Lemal
BEL 7Marie Peeters
BEL 8Robbe Pincket
BEL 9Indy Van Den Broeck
BEL 10Lukas Vandeputte
BEL Nicolas Radu
Deputy Leaders
BEL Stijn Cambie
BEL Tim Seynnaeve
LUX 1Martin Rakovsky
LUX 2Tom Schmit
LUX 3Pit Bermes
LUX 4Lea Menasce
LUX 5Oliver Nick
LUX 6Pol Thill
LUX 7Felix Thill
LUX 8Pierre Foxius
LUX 9Mathis Foxius
LUX 10Tim Conzemius
LUX Charles Leytem
Deputy Leaders
LUX Pascal Zeihen
LUX Bernard Felten
The Netherlands
NLD 1Nils van de Berg
NLD 2Erik van Cappellen
NLD 3Thomas Chen
NLD 4Ludo Dekker
NLD 5Wietze Koops
NLD 6Matthijs van der Poel
NLD 7Ward van der Schoot
NLD 8Maarten Stremler
NLD 9Siebe Verheijen
NLD 10Lammert Westerdijk
NLD Julian Lyczak
Deputy Leaders
NLD Jeroen Huijben
NLD Jeroen Winkel


The 9th Benelux Mathematical Olympiad is a joint organization of the "Société belge des Professeurs de Mathématique d’expression française" and the "Vlaamse Wiskunde Olympiade".

Chief Coordinator:Philippe Niederkorn
Coordinators:Pascal Dupont
Nicolas Franco
Pierre-Alain Jacqmin
Jef Laga
François Staelens
Merlijn Staps
Art Waeterschoot
Jetze Zoethout
Organizers:Nicolas Franco
Nicolas Radu
Gérald Troessaert
Staff:Corentin Bodart
Morine Delhelle
Cédric Pilatte
Léo Schelstraete

Supporting Universities

also with the support of

Previous Editions
